Correction: MUN Deregisters Student Because of Alleged Failure to Provide Vaccine Exemption Forms

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Photo Credit: Daniel Schludi (Via Unsplash)

In contrast to our previous publication, Ryan Guay was not deregistered because of his vaccination status but instead because of claims that he did not submit his exemption forms. Ryan is currently “blocked” from submitting these forms online. This update was written by Hayley Whelan.

Vaccinations have been the most talked-about subject since the beginning of the pandemic. Being fully vaccinated is required for many things in life right now, such as attending Memorial University, travelling, and entering places of business. The vaccine against COVID-19 has given us the chance to go back to a somewhat normal life. However, many people are still not medically able to receive the vaccine and are suffering the consequences.

Ryan Guay of Memorial University was deregistered from his courses because MUN claims that he hasn’t submitted his vaccination exemption forms. Guay states, “I was diagnosed with multiple embolisms (blood clots in the lungs) back in June 2021 and as a result of an adverse reaction from my COVID-19 vaccination. I’ve been in and out of the hospital for the past seven months due to my condition”. On January 9th 2022, Guay received an email from Memorial University informing him that he had been deregistered from his in-person classes, even though classes are online until the end of January. Guay says that this fight to continue his education because of his medical exemption has been tiresome, mentally draining and all-around frustrating to deal with, especially in his first year.

“My perspective on this school has changed drastically… These are the issues they put on students. The amount of stories I’ve heard of disrespect by a higher power in this school is absurd”
Ryan Guay (via Facebook)

“I’m fighting back to have this resolved with all your support. My condition does not allow me to have another vaccine due to what occurred in June, October, and even last week (via ambulance to HSC). MUN has my medical exemption form that was issued by my hematologist so that I attend the University on campus. My point now, why am I being discriminated against to have an education?”

Ryan Guay’s situation pertains to a new plan in Quebec to tax the unvaccinated. Premier Francois Legault told reporters on January 11th 2022, that they “are currently working on a health-care contribution that will be charged to all adults in Quebec who refuse to get vaccinated for non-medical reasons”. The premier says this will boost the incentive to get vaccinated and help cover the costs that the healthcare system so desperately needs. The assumption would be that the people who medically cannot be vaccinated, such as Guay, will be exempt from this new tax. However, it is clear to see with Guay’s current situation how governments and universities often overlook exemptions and grey areas.

Guay argues that Memorial University “could’ve taken a better approach to the deregistration scenario by contacting me up until we can return to on-campus learning. This was delivered to me with intention. They deliberately sent this email to me the day before classes on a Sunday so I would be stuck not able to communicate with them”. Guay also argues that the communication with Memorial University and the Office of the Minister of Health has been limited and unhelpful.

“My perspective on this school has changed drastically… These are the issues they put on students. The amount of stories I’ve heard of disrespect by a higher power in this school is absurd.”

Do you think those who are medically unable to get vaccinated are suffering the consequences of those choosing not to?

Emma Reid
Emma Reid (she/her) is a 3rd-year Communication Studies student (BA) at Memorial University. Emma has a strong interest in journalism and hopes to pursue a Master in Journalism after her Undergraduate. She enjoys writing, crochet and working with the lovely people on The Muse paper.


  1. Hi Emma, the title of your article is ok but not quite clear for the readers. MUN de-registered by son because they said he did not provide his exemption documents. He absolutely did provide them to multiple MUN departments on several occasions. All this young man wants to do is get an education but now he is even blocked online from doing so; yes, folks, you read that correctly – blocked! Did you speak to Ryan before writing this article?

  2. Hi Rhonda!

    Thank you very much for the clarification. Unfortunately, in our rush to get this piece out I (the editor) overlooked this error. I will take down the article and re-work it to reflect the truth. Our intention was to give publicity to the issue, which makes getting the details right a complete necessity. Thank you again for your correction.