Canadian Blood Services: Blood Donation Events Available On-Campus

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Photo by: Nguyễn Hiệp (via Unsplash)

The Canadian Blood Services have organized a blood donation clinic at Memorial University on March 16th (Wednesday) and March 17th (Thursday). The donation event will be conducted at the Bruneau Building Atrium. As the number of donations has decreased drastically due to the pandemic, the need for blood donors across Canada today is exceptionally high.

Eligible donors are encouraged to eat some salty snacks and drink 500 mL of water before their appointment, to improve the recovery of blood volume. Donors are also required to answer the wellness questionnaire provided before their appointment by an employee.

Appointment bookings, as well as more details about donor eligibility and the blood/plasma, stem cell, organ and tissue donation process, can be accessed at Various volunteering opportunities with the Canadian Blood Services are also available at