The Digital Learning Centre – How HSS Students Can Take Advantage

Photo of DLC (Via Karin Thomeier)

The Digital Learning Centre at Memorial University is a technology-based environment for students within the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences to study, learn and relax. Students can come to the Centre for help with oral or written skills in any language Memorial University offers from the various tutors with extensive language backgrounds. The Centre is particularly helpful with French, German, Russian, and Spanish languages. You can also use it for remote classes between your in-person lectures.

The DLC is primarily used as a language learning facility. However, in 2013, other disciplines within HSS were invited to make use of its teaching and learning capabilities. The objective of the DLC outside of language learning is to provide undergraduate and graduate students with a fun learning environment in which to work and engage with peers studying in the same Faculty. One of the software programs available, for example, is STATA, which allows political science, sociology and any other students requiring software to complete statistical analysis assignments. Communication studies students, as another example, could work on editing audio and video using iMovie.

Instructors can also take advantage of the resources offered at the Digital Learning Centre. The Centre provides many different resources to instructors, such as projection equipment and computers for each student to work on individually during class as lecture content is presented. The DLC gives instructors a chance to catch up to modern times and make their lectures more technology integrated. If interested in booking a class or would like an orientation, please contact the centre director, Karin Thomeier; 864-8585 or

The Digital Learning Centre provides a place for students to get help with their language courses and a space where HSS students can ask questions freely, relax and study in a quiet environment and make use of the online resources. The Digital Learning Centre’s winter hours are Mondays-Thursdays 9:00 am – 7:00 pm; Fridays 9:00 am – 4:00 pm. For more information on the scheduling and specific disciplines, visit

Emma Reid
Emma Reid (she/her) is a 3rd-year Communication Studies student (BA) at Memorial University. Emma has a strong interest in journalism and hopes to pursue a Master in Journalism after her Undergraduate. She enjoys writing, crochet and working with the lovely people on The Muse paper.