St. John’s First Mobile Grocery Store – ‘Food on the Move’

Food First NL has launched its first mobile grocery store, moving from various locations in St. John’s. The idea behind ‘Food on the Move is to have more affordable grocery items available in more convenient locations around St. John’s.

Food First NL’s goal with this project is to give Newfoundlanders a chance to buy the food they need without going to grocery stores – where prices have skyrocketed in the past year.

They have carrots, lettuce, potatoes and other pantry staples for $2 each or 3 for $5. They also take cash, credit/debit, and have ‘Food on the Move’ gift cards you can buy for friends and family. Their next pop-up will be Thursday, October 27th, at Rabbittown Community Centre (9-11) and MacMorran Community Centre (12-2).

‘Food on the Move says their initiative is for anyone and everyone; no specific criteria are needed. They are also trying to reach out to more students in need – so if you want more affordable produce, make your way down!

“Fresh Produce $2 each or 3 items for $5” sign

“Food on the Move creates more ways for people to purchase good food. Buying all of the food that we want or need can be hard. Food can be too expensive or unfamiliar. Stores can be hard to get to and unwelcoming. Our pop-ups are a place to buy the food you want in your neighbourhood at an affordable price. Food on the Move is for everyone!”

– Food on the Move Website.

To see the full schedule, click here

Emma Reid
Emma Reid (she/her) is a 3rd-year Communication Studies student (BA) at Memorial University. Emma has a strong interest in journalism and hopes to pursue a Master in Journalism after her Undergraduate. She enjoys writing, crochet and working with the lovely people on The Muse paper.