10 Easy Steps Toward a More Sustainable Life


Dumping disposability is about saying no to single-use materials and investing in products that will benefit you and the environment for years to come. Caring about the environment doesn’t have to be a chore. Rather than worrying about where to put your waste, be proactive. Focus on reducing used materials and redefining what waste means to you.

Here are 10 steps toward taking control of your waste:

1. Vote

Climate change is bigger than the individual. On a global scale, sustainable change is a matter of policy. Use your voice and put environmental representatives in power. Find out what Municipalities of Newfoundland is doing: https://www.mae.gov.nl.ca/

2. Invest

Invest in better products for a brighter future. Invest in products that will fill a need and/or bring you joy. You will save time, energy, and money; all the precious resources you need to improve your quality of life.

3. Pay Attention

The culture of disposability that is draining earth’s resources is the very same one that is draining your wallet. Convenience-driven purchases and impulse buys cost us our dollars and generate unnecessary waste, but spending our money and resources mindfully benefits our budgets ​and​ the environment.

4. Track Your Waste

Keeping track of how much garbage you’re generating in a week is a great way to become aware and accountable for your impact. Find out where your trash goes when it leaves the curb. What does your city do with all of that immortal plastic?

5. Carry Reusable Utensils & Containers

Slipping a reusable utensil kit, thermos, and water bottle in your bag can go a long way. If you find yourself getting food on the go, you’ll save that extra plastic fork from floating around the ocean. We can’t always plan on picking up, but we can proactively reduce how much plastic we use.

5. Pack a Lunch

Take the extra step to meal prep! Learn to cook, make healthy choices, and save yourself time and money. Packing your meals for the day is a great way to meet your personal goals and reduce the use of unnecessary styrofoam.

6. Buy in Bulk

Layers of food packaging amounts to excess plastic in your waste-bin. Consider taking containers to Bulk Barn, local grocers and farmer’s markets. You’d be surprised how much waste you can save, and it’s more economical!

7. Reduce Your Energy Bill

Save water and energy by taking shorter showers, turning off lights and heating, hang-drying laundry, and unplugging appliances. You’ll be thankful when those energy bills arrive!

8. Go Shopping

Invest in a safety razor, a bamboo or electric toothbrush, beeswax food wraps, and reusable grocery bags. These eco-friendly products are affordable and will last for years.

9. Connect With Nature

Do you enjoy travel, hiking, and long walks on the beach? Nurturing your relationship with nature through outdoor activities is a great way to stay motivated. Being environmentally friendly is all about preserving earth’s life-sustaining natural beauties; for ourselves and generations to come.

10. Ask Questions

Learning about the environment can be daunting. Don’t be afraid to reach out, ask for information, and make small changes. You’re not alone. As inhabitants of the same dying planet, we are all in this together.

Information brought to you by the Graduate Sustainability Society