Breezeway Grand Opening Brings MUNSU Welcome Week to an Energetic Close

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Following a month-long period of activities, workshops, celebrations, and concerts to welcome a new semester of students to MUN, the Student Union’s welcome week of Fall ’22 ended on Friday, September 23, with the official grand opening of The Breezeway.

While the student bar was operating weeks prior and hosted open mic nights. MUNSU commemorated the Breezeway’s renovation and re-opening with a night of music, a ribbon-cutting ceremony, and cake.

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The opening, from 3:00 PM to 8:00 PM, greeted a comfortable turnout with bar and coffee service. Preliminary entertainment included trendy live music by local musician Clare Follett and a welcome and introduction by MUNSU Director of Student Life Ely Pittman. Pittman began the ceremony’s formalities around 6:00 PM with acknowledgement and gratitude to MUNSU staff and supporters. The ribbon-cutting followed shortly afterwards.

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Many guests explored the Breezeway’s facilities before and after the ceremony, including the spacious pool and darts room. Following the ribbon-cutting, MUNSU executives provided attendees with slices of cake with a frosted logo of the Breezeway. These small touches truly made the event feel official. It also showed how much thought had been put into the five-hour celebration of reopening and renovation.

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With both live and recorded music energizing the mood of the space, it was difficult not to get caught up in MUNSU’s clear enthusiasm and devotion to the maintenance and management of the Breezeway. The space is more than one of MUN’s many on-campus cafes. It serves as a hub for the student community, and a symbolic milestone for the post-pandemic university.