Advice: The Indecisive Degree

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Many students struggle with deciding what to study and feel shame or judgement when they switch programs partway through their degree.

But It’s okay if you don’t know what you want to be when you grow up yet -you’re constantly growing! There is no actual timeline. It is made up, invisible, in our minds and societies.

It does not matter if you have your dream career at a young age or old age; if you know what you want to study right after high school or not; if you decide to switch part way through. It’s okay to take your time to explore and to change directions if you discover that you’re not doing the right thing for yourself. 

It’s never too late, and you will be much more motivated when you find something you enjoy.

Life experiences and circumstances will also continue to mould you, so change is beyond your control sometimes.

We are not just students but also daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, parents, workers, pet owners, volunteers, and so much more. We have a lot on our plate. It is important not to be so hard on ourselves.

It is okay if and when things change. Also, priorities change, and sometimes areas other than our studies need to take first place.

Arts degrees, in particular, are often looked down upon and taken for granted, but they teach many life skills.

They teach you to write, communicate, speak, think creatively and do research. Even if you don’t use your specific major, it is okay because you can capitalize on the skills it taught you -these will serve you for life and any job.

Please don’t hesitate to tell employers exactly what you gained from it in your personal experience. 

It’s crucial to figure out what you want to study and be happy- rather than study what society or family may push on you. After all, many people end up working jobs outside their field of study. So many established people talk about how their path was non-linear. 

Most degrees are still valuable and transferable to jobs in other fields. Anything you study applies to life, in general, in some way or another. Often, students are told they have wasted their time on a useless degree or by changing midway and losing time on the degree they still need to finish. 

Nothing is a waste of time- especially if you enjoy your work!

Look at the well-known actors Lisa Kudrow and Hugh Jackman, who received a degree in psychobiology and a BA in communications. A 2013 Washington Post article states, “Only 27 percent of college grads have a job related to their major.” 

Job opportunities are always changing, and desired skills are constantly evolving too. 

You will never know all the jobs that exist; there are opportunities in your field (or not in your field) of study that you’ll only be exposed to later in life. Don’t label your major “unusable.”

Work hard at whatever you do. Your passion and dedication are more important than your field of choice. 

This advice may be cliché, but it truly is your life, and it’s important to shut out others’ negative judgement. What’s right for them may not be suitable for you because what’s right for you is likely not suitable for them.

Take your time and appreciate every experience. You got this.