This interview was held with Dionne King, Cheerleading Coach, Memorial University of Newfoundland.
How do you feel about winning third place in the world cup?
We feel that for us, it was a huge success. This was our fourth time participating at the University World Cheerleading Cup Championships and overall it was a wonderful experience from the beginning. Placing in the top 3 representing Canada and especially Newfoundland was a really proud moment for us.
What are some of the challenges the team typically faces along the way?
I think one of the biggest challenges for our athletes is the financial situation. We are talking about the full-time university students who also have to pay to be a part of the program. They have to pay for everything, starting from trips to uniforms and everything in-between which is actually a significant cost. Therefore, that usually tends to be a big obstacle. We try to help the members of the team as much as we can through community fundraisers, we try to make as many affordable choices as possible. We are really lucky to have MUN as our associate, who provides student merit grants and standard support through MUNSU ratification and Budden Law & Associates as our sponsor whose financial assistance enables our training sessions and expense affordability. Despite the extensive assistance, the financial situation continues to be a hurdle and I think this factor deters some people from the program simply because they are unable to afford the associated costs.
Moving forward, what strategies are being put to work to maximise success?
I think we have developed a great program over the years. We were able to build a program where athletes keep returning year after year, we have a great following of supportive young athletes who aspire to become a part of the MUN Cheerleading. We try to build a network based on it and create a dedicated team with people who enjoy working together in a wonderful atmosphere. We train hard and we bring in instructors to train our team but the foundation really lies in the team spirit.
What was the most memorable moment in this adventure?
We performed twice when we went to Florida and on the second day, we gave our best performance. In that moment, I felt that the team was very confident and comfortable on the floor. They put on quite the show and they really gave their absolute best and that’s truly the best feeling. When they walked off the floor, it didn’t matter what position they placed because it felt as if they had achieved their goals.
My next question is for you- was becoming a cheerleading coach a lifelong dream or did it happen by chance?
Actually, when I was a cheerleader in high school, I really did dream about being a coach. Then I coached high school cheerleading for 7 years and when I got asked to join the MUN coaching staff, alongside other really incredible coaches, it was like a dream come true and now I have been here since 2011. I do at times feel like I am living the dream, especially when I have the opportunity to take them to the world stage and watch them perform so well. I get to work with two other amazing coaches Ashley and Angela.
What would be your advice for the aspiring athletes who are looking to join the MUN cheerleading team?
Anyone who is aspiring to be a part of the program, I certainly encourage you to get in contact with us. We can let you know exactly what is required to be a part of this program , we will walk you through all the insights, the requirements, the costs and everything else. Generally, we look for someone who would like to be a part of the team who has a willingness to learn. If there is someone who is interested in cheerleading in general, we can also refer also refer them to resources which are not just limited to MUN cheerleading. There are lots of great cheerleading programs within the city where aspiring athletes can get involved in. We can be reached on our Facebook page as well as through email.