A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams: Review “A bona fide classic”

This is a powerful rendition of love, loss, hate and surrender which is portrayed through three dimensional characters with the plot set in post-war New Orleans.

Miss Dubois is a “proper” lady of refined taste and mannerisms who seeks solitude with her younger sister Stella, and husband Stanley in New Orleans after she goes through an unexpected tragedy.

Williams makes this piece unique and memorable through the gradual character development throughout the plot and the sophisticated use of metaphors and imagery in order to convey the mood and the tone for the reader.

The use of the “blue piano” as a metaphor throughout the play was evident and powerful in creating a gloomy and melancholic atmosphere simultaneously filled with suspense and uncertainty.

The pace that Williams uses during the events that unfold in the play gives the reader all the necessary details to remain interested whilst not giving too much away too soon. This gives the play a dynamic and exciting energy that demands the full attention of the reader until the very end.

The conclusion is unpredictable and leaves a few questions unanswered about the events that followed afterwards. But overall, this is an exhilarating piece of literature which is worth the read.