The MUSE denied entry into Confederation Building for Budget Media lock-in

Confed building
Confed building

The MUSE attempted to attend the media lock-in for today’s coverage of the 2024 – 2025 Provincial budget and was told by three RNC Officers that media were not being granted access to the building.

This comes after a release from the government stipulating that all media should arrive prior to the 9:30 Lock-In time.

The MUSE was promptly contacted by a government official stating that this was a ‘Communications Error’.

Likewise, this event occurred prior to the decision of media outlets NTV, CBC, St. John’s Telegram and Saltwire not to enter the Confederation Building amidst protestors treating access to the building as a picket line.

Credit: Jenna Head (via Twitter)

With this, The MUSE has decided not to attend today’s coverage of the provincial budget.

More to come…

Bruce March
Bruce March is a graduate student studying Employment Relations. He completed his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics. He is passionate about student issues, public policy and our community at large