MUN Seahawks Ultimate frisbee teams are holding tryouts


The MUN Seahawks Ultimate Frisbee teams are looking to build teams to compete at the Canadian University Ultimate Championships (CUUC) in Brampton, Ontario, October 13-15th.

They are holding tryouts for any MUN, Marine Institute, or CNA students looking to expand their competitive ultimate frisbee experience. All skill levels are welcome, tryouts are happening on August 29th, August 31st, and September 5th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm and September 10th from 12:30pm – 2:30 pm at Bowring Park. The cost to tryout is $10 to offset fees for field time.

Those interested in trying out for the teams can complete the  Memorial University Open Ultimate 2023-2024 Expression of Interest form here:

For additional information, contact

Women’s tryouts

Seahawks women tryouts
Image credit: MUN Seahawks

MUN Seahawks Women’s Ultimate team will also be holding tryouts for their 2023 season. Any female-matching player who is a MUN, Marine Institute, or CNA student interested in playing competitively is welcome to attend tryouts. There are three dates being offered for those of all skill levels:

·         September 4th from 2pm-4pm at MUN Field

·         September 6th from 5pm-7pm at Churchill Park Field

·         September 10th from 10am-12pm at Bowring Park Field

For additional information, contact

Anasophie Vallée
Anasophie (she/her) is a 3rd-year Communication Studies and French student at Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador. She is very passionate about advocating for human rights, mental health awareness, and inclusivity both within the arts and in our community as a whole. Anasophie is eager and honoured to be Editor-in-Chief of the Muse. She has written for both the Muse and the Independent and is excited to be a part of such an amazing team. Anasophie is also an avid member of the NL arts community, having danced for years with Kittiwake Dance Theatre. When she is not writing or working, Ana can typically be found reading, cooking, or seeing a local production.